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Measuring Impacts Workshop in October

The International Association of Event Hosts invites cities, event owners, federations and sponsors to learn more about the process of measuring impacts of hosting major events and to share their views on the definitions of Key Performance Indicators related to all areas of impact.

The measurement of impacts of major events is of great concern for cities, regions and countries. Showing the return on investment is fundamental for all stakeholders involved in promoting, hosting and sponsoring these events. The international Association of Event Hosts (IAEH) believe that creating a common language will help stakeholders to develop impact studies in a more reliable manner. Furthermore, it will help to communicate the true holistic benefits of hosting major events to governments, the media and ultimately the general public.

The workshop called “measuring impacts of hosting major events” will take place in Lausanne, on October 31st, in the afternoon. The session will include a presentation delivered by IAEH Directors and an open discussion on the definitions of Key Performance Indicators of areas such as economic benefit, tourism & destination marketing, environmental sustainability, sport participation and community involvement.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will take part in the discussion to ensure alignment with the recently published OECD Recommendation on Global Events and Local Development.

The outcomes of the workshop will be part of the Impact Definitions Project document due to be published by the end of this year and will be made available to all participants.

For more information on the workshop and how to participate please contact

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