eventIMPACTS – Economic Impact Toolkit
The eventIMPACTS Toolkit is intended to provide organisers and supporters of public events with some key guidance and good practice principles for evaluating impacts associated with their event. The project is backed by the UK government. Click here to access the eventIMPACTS website.
The ‘economic impact’ of a major event refers to the total amount of additional expenditure generated within a defined area, as a direct consequence of staging the event. For most events, spending by visitors in the local area (and in particular on accommodation) is the biggest factor in generating economic impact; however, spending by event organisers is another important consideration. Economic Impact studies typically seek to establish the net change in a host economy – in other words, cash inflows and outflows are measured to establish the net outcome.
This Toolkit suggests three different levels of impact (basic, intermediate, and advanced) and guides the user through different routes to measurement.